Issue: User is not allowed to retry a task in Release


In the following specific situation, users are not allowed to retry a failed task.

The following only happens, if the user who wants to retry the task is not the release owner (didn't start the release):

Steps to Recreate

  1. Any user starts a release (except the one who wants to retry the task)
  2. A task fails for any reason (even manually by any user)
  3. The task will be automatically assigned to a team (to which the user, who has to retry the task belongs)
  4. The user opens the task and only sees the Skip button
  5. The user selects Assign to me and assigns the task directly to themself, then the Retry button appears

Affected Products & Versions

  • Release 22.0.0 - 22.0.12
  • Release 22.1.0 - 22.1.10
  • Release 22.2.0 - 22.2.6
  • Release 22.3.0 - 22.3.4

Workaround/Resolution Action

Workaround: You can perform the Retry operation if you click on the 3 dots beside the task

Resolution: This issue is addressed in the following Release versions:

  • Release 22.0.13
  • Release 22.1.11
  • Release 22.2.7
  • Release 22.3.5




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