You need to import your template(s) inside Release Folder(s) using the REST API
Environment Release
Steps to Follow
- Find the folder ID of the Folder you want your template to be imported to. It's in the form of Applications/Folder7072567672
- Run the REST Call below using your choice of REST client. I am demonstrating it using cURL command
curl -u "username:password" "http://xl-release-server-IP/hostname:port/api/v1/
templates/import?folderId=Applications/Folder707256767" -X POST -H "content-type:
multipart/form-data" -F "data=@shashank.xlr"
- It will import the Template shashank.xlr to Folder Applications/Folder707256767
admin@shashank-mbp ~/Downloads> curl -u "username:password" "http://localhost:5516/
api/v1/templates/import?folderId=Applications/Folder707256767" -X POST -H
"content-type:multipart/form-data" -F "data=@shashank.xlr"[{"id":"Folder707256767-
Release357326018", "title":"shashank","warnings":["Teams in this template have
been removed. They will be inherited from the folder."]}]
Please ensure that you are specifying the correct location of your Template file
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