Digital.ai Support brings together all of the DAI products under one support umbrella. Using the support portal, you can search for answers, review release notes, watch videos, submit a new request, or review your ticket activity.
You can use the Table of Contents on the right side of this article to jump to a specific topic.
New to Digital.ai Customer Support?
If you're reading this without having logged in to the portal, you're able to access some of our support content, but you'll need a Digital.ai Identity to see all of our content and create request tickets.
Digital.ai Identity
The Digital.ai Identity gives you single sign-on access to the Customer Support Portal, Product Documentation, and Digital.ai Community. The Digital.ai Identity can also be set up to give access to your Digital.ai applications via our SSO or your company's existing SSO.
There are two options for setting up a Digital.ai Identity:
- Self-register at https://hub.us.digital.ai/self-register/register
- Your company designates a Customer Admin to manage your company's accounts and login methods. The Customer Admin would then create additional users as needed. See Digital.ai Customer Account Administrator Handbook.
If you are unable to self-register and your company does not yet have a designated Customer Admin, you can use the Contact Digital.ai Support form, and our Platform Support team will be happy to help you.
Additional Information
Support Portal Home Page
- Submit a request
- My Activities
- Shortcuts
- Knowledge base
- Promoted articles
Submit a request
- Click the Submit a request link on any portal page
Note: Please see Before you submit a Ticket... for guidelines on the information we need to efficiently assist you - Enter a Subject
The portal displays a list of suggested knowledge base articles based on what you type in the subject. If you include a few details in the subject, such as the product name, it will make the suggestions and later searches more effective.
- Enter a Description
The more information you provide, the more efficiently we can route and fulfill your request - Select a Product from the drop-down list. Products are grouped within product categories. Select the category first and then the product within that category. Picking the right product helps us more quickly route your request to the right Support Engineers to assist you.
Browse the Product List
In order to route your request to the right product support team as quickly as possible, it's important that you pick the specific product you need assistance with. Digital.ai Identity should only be used for issues logging in to the Digital.ai Platform.
Choosing the wrong product may delay our response. -
Type, Priority, Product Version, and Category are required fields
Ticket Priority Definitions - For Category, select the closest match to what you are requesting
- Depending on the product you select, you may see additional optional fields
- You may add CC email addresses at the top of the form
- Click Submit
My Activities
- Click on your name in the upper right corner of the portal
- Select My activities
- You can filter on Product or Status and search by Ticket ID or Subject
- The list may take a few seconds to render, depending on how many tickets you have. The most recently updated 100 tickets are available almost immediately. You may see the alert "All requests are loading..." while tickets beyond 100 are loaded in memory. Once loaded, sort and filter work on all tickets.
More information about Status values - Once a ticket is solved, you may reopen it within four days by adding a new comment. If you need to follow up on a ticket after it closes, you can create a related ticket that refers back to the original
- Click Requests I'm CC'd on to view tickets you've been added to
- Click Organization requests to see all tickets for your account if you have permission to do this
Note: Organization access requires a change to the default setting that allows you to view only your own tickets. Support can grant this upon request from an account primary contact. - You can also view a list of knowledge articles or sections you're following
See How to: Follow a Help Center Article or Section
- Shortcuts provide a high-profile way to promote knowledge content or link to other product support sites that haven't yet merged into the Digita.ai Support Portal
Knowledge base
- Support knowledge is grouped into categories that each contain one or more sections.
- Click on a category to expand it and view the sections within
Cross-Product Information
- Support Help, product announcements, content that isn't specific to a Digital.ai product category
- Digital.ai Agility, Continuum
Application Security
- Arxan applications
Continuous Testing
- Experitest applications
- Digital.ai Release & Deploy
- Former Numerify applications
- Apperian, TeamForge
Cross-Product Information
Promoted articles
- The Promoted articles section draws attention to content that is of high value, urgency, or otherwise deserves to be called out
Searching for help
- Type the search text in the Search... box
Search tips to help you find content more easily - The portal displays possible matches as you type
- Click on an article links to open it
- Press Enter or click the orange Search button to load a results page
- Click on an article link to open it
- Bread crumbs and left-side navigation show the current location and allow you to easily backtrack
- The right-side Table of contents lets you navigate to sections of an article where HTML headings are included
- Links within articles display in orange
- Click the Follow button in an article or section to be notified of changes or new articles
- Followed articles or sections display an Unfollow button
Technical Support
Although Digital.ai strives for perfection in all that we do, we understand that some customers may experience difficulties with Digital.ai products. Our technical support team is your go-to solution if you find that your Digital.ai products are not working as designed.
Requesting Technical Support
To receive technical support from Digital.ai, please submit a request in the support portal.
By default, you see only your own tickets in the support portal, but team leads can designate members of your team to see all tickets from your company. This helps leads keep track of all support activity for your company. For more information, see How to: View all tickets in your organization and receive updates.
Before you submit a ticket
Before you submit a ticket to Digital.ai Customer Support, here are some things you can do to find a solution to your problem:
- Check the knowledge base. Using the portal’s search function, check if anyone else has already encountered your problem or can point you to a solution.
- Check the Documentation Portal
Requested General Information
Please provide the following information about your issue:
- The Digital.ai product with which you face an issue or have questions
- The product version
- The reason for contacting us
- Version numbers of any relevant plugins (add these in the description field)
- Any hotfixes that are installed (add these in the description field)
- The priority, based on the business impact of the issue
Describe the issue
The completeness and detail of the issue description is important for helping our support staff solve your issue quickly and efficiently. Please provide us with the following information as relevant:
- What were you trying to accomplish?
- What steps did you execute that resulted in the issue?
- What result did you expect?
- What was the actual result?
- What is the most recent change in your environment? Examples are: Upgraded from version X to version Y, installed a hotfix, installed a new plugin, installed a firewall, reinstalled middleware, and so on.
Examples: Upgraded from version X to version Y, installed a hotfix, installed a new plugin, installed a firewall, reinstalled middleware, and so on.
Collecting Additional Information
If there is relevant information you can include specific to your setup, please do so as it will greatly help our staff troubleshoot your issue. To reduce the time spent going back and forth, please see the links by product category below for the kinds of information that will help us resolve your tickets:
- Agility
- Application Security
- Continuous Testing – SaaS (Hosted)
- Intelligence
- Release & Deploy
- TeamForge
Logging a Platform Down ticket
New Ticket: Submit a ticket in the portal with Platform Down selected for the Reason field or send an email with the words Platform Down in the subject line and message body.
Existing Ticket: Add the words Platform Down in a reply or comment.
Product Usage Support
If your Digital.ai products are functioning properly, but you have questions regarding how best to use them, or you want to learn more about their capabilities, you can submit a request in the same portal:
- Submit a ticket in the support portal. Your ticket will be routed to the appropriate team to manage your request.
If your request goes beyond the support provided by Customer Support, you may need to engage Professional Services
- Contact your Customer Success Manager or Sales Representative for Professional Services assistance.
Ticket Status
At any time, a ticket has one of the following statuses:
Status | Meaning |
Open | Ticket is active and awaiting response or work from Global Customer Support |
Pending | Ticket is active and awaiting response from you |
Solved | Issue has been resolved but can be reopened if necessary for four days |
On-Hold | Ticket is not currently being worked on |
Closed | The ticket is closed and can no longer be updated. You can create a related ticket if you need to follow up on a closed ticket. |
Escalating a ticket
We always strive to resolve your issues as quickly and efficiently as possible. But if for some reason you feel more attention is needed, or over time the urgency of an issue has increased, you may request that we escalate it.
Escalation raises the priority and adds additional resources as ticket followers to increase focus and provide more assistance. Product owners, CSMs, and Sales may be looped in to create additional awareness.
Solving a Ticket
Tickets can be closed in one of two ways:
- If the issue has been resolved and you indicate that the ticket can be closed
- If the ticket status is Pending (waiting for input from you) support will remind you two occasions for additional information. If there has been no input, the ticket will be resolved. We will not close tickets without your consent unless we don’t hear back from you after the two follow-up events.
Reopening a Closed Ticket
Four days after we solve a ticket it automatically moves to a closed state and cannot be updated or reopened. When we solve a ticket, you have four days to respond and reopen the ticket if the issue wasn’t resolved to your satisfaction.
If you need to follow up on a closed ticket, click Create follow-up in the lower right corner. A new related ticket will be created.
Support Offerings
- View our Support and Maintenance offerings on the Digital.ai website
Supported Versions Policy
As Digital.ai products evolve, we necessarily have to drop support for older versions as we add new features and update core functions such as APIs. Bugs will often be fixed in a new product release and not ported back to previous versions. If you find a defect in an unsupported app, we will likely not fix it. In such situations, we strongly encourage you to upgrade. Please see the following articles for supported versions of our products:
- Agility
- Application Security
- Continuous Testing
- Release and Deploy
- TeamForge
Product Feature Requests
Digital.ai uses Ideaspace to manage feature requests and suggestions. You can submit ideas or desired features, track your ideas, upvote other people's ideas, and interact with the product team and other customers.
Ideas or feature requests are needs or desires for functionality not currently existing in the product. For example, usability improvements to make it easier to complete a frequent, time-consuming task.
Ideas are not meant for reporting software bugs or functionality that is not working as intended. These kinds of issues should be submitted as Support Requests.
For details and links, please see How to: Submit product feature requests with Ideaspace.
Product Documentation
Digital.ai product documentation is available online at https://docs.digital.ai.
Find answers to your technical questions and learn how to use our products.
Digital.ai Community
Digital.ai Community can support you and your team to get more value out of Digital.ai products and processes by helping you:
- Find answers
- Learn from product experts
- Collaborate with industry leaders and co-create solutions
- Share product wisdom
- Get inspiration from other Digital.ai customers
For more information, please see Digital.ai Community is Here
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