Policy: Digital.ai DevOps Release and Deploy supported product versions

DevOps Deploy and Release support policy

Product versions are supported for 15 months following their release, with an additional three months after the end of that year available to ask questions of support. 

We strongly recommend that:

  • You do not upgrade to any product version that is no longer supported, as it may have issues that are resolved in later versions.
  • You do upgrade to a supported version before the support period of your current version expires so you maintain continuity of support.

Critical fix update packs

Critical fix update packs are released to combine bug fixes, security fixes, and performance improvement updates. Support for a Critical fix update pack ends when support for its corresponding product version ends.


Hotfixes may be provided for supported product versions in high-impact cases when the product is not usable due to bugs or performance issues severely impacting business operations. Hotfixes have the same level of support as Critical fix update packs.

Supported DevOps Deploy and Release product versions

The following table lists versions of Digital.ai DevOps Deploy & Release and the dates that they are officially supported.

Deploy / Release version Release date End of support date
24.3.x 04-Nov-2024 05-Feb-2026
24.1.x 20-May-2024 21-Aug-2025
23.3.x 19-Oct-2023 20-Jan-2025
23.1.x 09-May-2023 10-Aug-2024
22.3.x 07-Oct-2022 08-Jan-2024
22.2.x 29-Jun-2022 30-Sept-2023
22.1.x 11-Apr-2022 12-Jul-2023
22.0.x 02-Jan-2022 25-April-2023
10.3.x 25-Oct-2021 24-Jan-2023
10.2.x 27-Jul-2021 25-Oct-2022
10.1.x 28-Apr-2021 27-Jul-2022
10.0.x 28-Jan-2021 28-Apr-2022
9.8.x 27-Oct-2020 28-Jan-2021
9.7.x 2-Jul-2020 28-Jan-2022
9.6.x 18-Mar-2020 2-Jul-2020
9.5.x 10-Dec-2019 2-Jul-2021
9.0.x 12-Aug-2019 10-Dec-2020
8.6.x 27-Mar-2019 12-Aug-2019
8.5.x 5-Dec-2018 12-Aug-2020


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